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"In the past, we would put out [printed materials] – flyers, table cards, and it becomes messy. Now, we leverage our screens for [communication pieces] like doctor bios and include a QR code next to each bio. It's amazing to see the engagement. Parents do want to learn about the doctors, but they don't necessarily want to stand there and read a bio on screen – they'd rather view it on their mobile phone."

Jenn McClain-De Jong, CMO




UPshow runs on ChromeOS, a cloudfirst operating system that’s fast, secure, and reliable.

Devices running ChromeOS boot up in less than six seconds, stay fast longer than other devices, and consume less energy. ChromeOS has advanced, builtin security capabilities, regular updates, and has never had a ransomware attack, so you can safely manage your digital signage with peace of mind.







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